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Microsoft Edge Tests New Behavior: Browser May Persist After Closing Last Tab

Microsoft Edge, the tech giant's web browser, is undergoing a potential transformation in its user behavior. In recent testing on the Edge Canary version, Microsoft is exploring a departure from the conventional method of browser closure when the last tab is shut. Traditionally, closing the final tab would lead to the entire browser shutting down. However, with this proposed change, Microsoft Edge would defy the norm and remain open, revealing the page set as the default for a new tab.

This experimental feature is currently in the testing phase on Edge Canary, one of Microsoft Edge's development channels. It introduces a novel approach to user interaction by allowing the browser to persist even after closing the last tab. Instead of shutting down entirely, Edge would present the user's designated default page for new tabs. This alteration has been a point of interest for users who have sought such behavior since at least 2019, as evident from discussions in Microsoft's Tech Community.

While this feature is a promising addition, it's important to note that it's still in the testing phase and hasn't been rolled out to the stable version of Microsoft Edge. The timeline for its official release remains uncertain, pending further feedback and adjustments.

For users eager to experience this functionality immediately, there's an existing solution in the form of a browser extension. The "Don't Close Windows With Last Tab" extension, available in the Chrome Web Store, is compatible with Microsoft Edge. This extension ensures that a single pinned page prevents the closure of Edge when the last tab of the last window is closed. While it may serve as a workaround for users who prefer this behavior, the eventual integration of this feature directly into Microsoft Edge will offer a seamless and native experience.

In conclusion, Microsoft Edge's potential shift in behavior reflects a responsiveness to user feedback and an ongoing effort to enhance the browsing experience. As this feature progresses through testing, users can anticipate a more flexible and customizable approach to managing tabs and browser sessions within Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge Tests New Behavior: Browser May Persist After Closing Last Tab
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