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"Meta Horizon OS," has been opened up for use by third-party device makers

The mixed reality operating system that powers Meta Quest headsets, now known as "Meta Horizon OS," has been opened up for use by third-party device makers. This move was announced by Meta on Monday, with major tech players like Asus, Lenovo, and Microsoft's Xbox being the first companies to confirm their development of new devices running this software.

The Meta Horizon OS provides developers access to advanced technologies such as eye, face, hand, and body tracking, as well as high-resolution passthrough, a popular mixed reality feature that allows users to see their surroundings while wearing the headset. This open system enables all future headsets to connect via the Meta Quest app on iOS and Android devices.

In a notable collaboration, Microsoft is partnering with Meta to create a "limited-edition Meta Quest, inspired by Xbox." Asus and Lenovo are also joining in, with Asus focusing on a gaming headset and Lenovo aiming for a device geared towards productivity, learning, and entertainment.

The introduction of Meta Horizon OS comes amidst the ongoing VR/AR headset competition between Meta, Apple, and Sony. While this open operating system is a strategic move by Meta, the question remains whether it will give the company a competitive edge in the market or if the Quest-like headsets will gain popularity.

introduction of Meta Horizon OS comes amidst the ongoing VR/AR headset competition between Meta, Apple, and Sony
introduction of Meta Horizon OS comes amidst the ongoing VR/AR headset competition between Meta, Apple, and Sony
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