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Google has partnered with Mio, a cross-platform messaging service provider, to offer interoperability between Google Chat and other platforms

Google has partnered with Mio, a cross-platform messaging service provider, to offer interoperability between Google Chat and other platforms including Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom Team Chat and more. The partnership will allow Google Workspace customers to remain on Google Chats while messaging users across different platforms in direct messages, spaces and group chats.

Messaging across platforms supports files and media sharing, emojis, threaded messages and more. Additionally, there will be an option to edit and delete messages sent to users on other platforms. Google announced interoperability between Google Chat, Microsoft Teams and Slack at Cloud Next 2023 event and the feature has been available to select Workspace customers through a beta program. However, the company is now rolling out the functionality for all businesses through Google Workspace subscription.

It should be noted that a separate Mio licence will be required to enable the interoperability between platforms. Organizations will need to install the Mio app onto their respective chat platforms in order to enable cross-platform communications.

In a related development, Meta has released the latest entry in its Llama series of open generative AI models: Llama 3. The new models, Llama 3 8B and Llama 3 70B, are described as a "major leap" compared to the previous-gen Llama models, with higher parameter counts that make them among the best-performing generative AI models available today. The Llama 3 models have shown superior performance on popular AI benchmarks like MMLU, ARC, and DROP, outperforming other open models such as Mistral’s Mistral 7B and Google’s Gemma 7B on at least nine benchmarks.

Meta has also developed new data-filtering pipelines to boost the quality of its model training data and updated its pair of generative AI safety suites, Llama Guard and CybersecEval, to prevent the misuse of and unwanted text generations from Llama 3 models and others. The company is also releasing a new tool, Code Shield, designed to detect code from generative AI models that might introduce security vulnerabilities. However, filtering isn't foolproof, and tools like Llama Guard, CybersecEval, and Code Shield only go so far. Meta's goal is to make Llama 3 multilingual and multimodal, have longer context, and continue to improve overall performance across core large language model capabilities such as reasoning and coding.

Google announced interoperability between Google Chat, Microsoft Teams and Slack at Cloud Next 2023 event
Google announced interoperability between Google Chat, Microsoft Teams and Slack at Cloud Next 2023 event
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