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Nvidia reportedly discontinues its GTX line, marking the end of an era in GPU history

Reports from sources within the Board Channel indicate that Nvidia is gradually phasing out its longstanding GTX line of graphics cards. It's been suggested that the company has ceased production of the GTX 16-series, which represents the final GPUs based on the Turing architecture.

While Nvidia has not officially confirmed this discontinuation, reports indicate that the remaining GTX 16-series GPUs have been distributed to its partners (AIBs). Once the existing stock, consisting of models like the GTX 1630 and GTX 1650, is depleted, the GTX line will effectively reach its end.

Should these rumors materialize, budget-conscious gamers will need to explore alternatives, likely from AMD and Intel. Nvidia's current entry-level option in the RTX series is the RTX 3050 6GB.

The GTX brand has been a staple since its inception in 2005 with the GeForce 7800 GTX, symbolizing Nvidia's top-tier GPUs for a decade.

In 2018, Nvidia introduced the RTX 20-series, emphasizing ray tracing and AI capabilities. Despite this shift, Nvidia acknowledged the ongoing popularity of the GTX line by launching the GTX 16-series in 2019. This new lineup offered a more affordable option based on the Turing architecture, albeit without RTX features.

Although Nvidia did not release a GTX equivalent within the Ampere (RTX 30-series) generation, the GTX 16 series remained a budget-friendly choice for several years.

Nvidia's emphasis on ray tracing and AI technologies suggests that the GTX brand is unlikely to stage a comeback. The discontinuation of the GTX 16-series marks the end of an era in the company's history, with the RTX line now representing its entire consumer GPU range.

Reports from sources within the Board Channel indicate that Nvidia is gradually phasing out its longstanding GTX line of graphics cards
Reports from sources within the Board Channel indicate that Nvidia is gradually phasing out its longstanding GTX line of graphics cards
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