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X, Elon Musk's Company, Quietly Removes NFT Profile Picture Feature for Twitter Blue Subscribers

In a recent development, X, Elon Musk's company, has quietly removed a feature that allowed Twitter Blue subscribers to set non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as their profile pictures. Initially introduced in January 2022, the feature permitted Twitter Blue users to showcase NFTs minted on the Ethereum blockchain as hexagonal profile images. These hexagons served as interactive links, providing additional details about the respective NFT, including the collection it belonged to, contract address, TokenID, and the minting app used.

However, the company has now removed all descriptions related to the NFT profile picture feature from its X Premium support page, suggesting a discontinuation of the offering. Twitter Blue subscribers who had already set NFTs as their profile pictures continue to display hexagonal avatars. The move to eliminate the NFT profile picture feature aligns with a broader trend seen on other social media platforms. In 2022, both Instagram and Facebook experimented with NFT integration, allowing users to showcase and post NFTs. Nevertheless, Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, decided to cease NFT support in March 2023.

Despite the decline in value of some high-priced tokens, such as those from the Bored Ape Yacht Club, the overall NFT market has demonstrated signs of recovery in recent months. Trade volumes in the NFT space have exceeded $1.6 billion, according to data from NFT aggregator CryptoSlam. It remains to be seen whether other social media platforms and tech companies will continue or discontinue their exploration of NFT-related features in the future. The NFT market has witnessed fluctuations and varying degrees of adoption across different platforms, reflecting the dynamic nature of the digital asset space.

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