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Meta Rolls Out "Made with AI" Labels, Updates AI Content Policy

In response to the rising prominence of AI-generated content, Meta has announced significant changes to its policies governing such material across Instagram, Facebook, and Threads. Effective May 2024, the company will introduce "Made with AI" labels for a wider range of AI-created videos, audio files, and images.

Recognizing the limitations of its previous "manipulated media policy" from 2020, Meta acknowledges that its current guidelines are "too narrow" to encompass the diverse array of realistic AI-generated content flooding the web. The new labeling system aims to provide greater transparency and align with evolving industry standards.

Label Application and Detection

The "Made with AI" labels will be applied in two ways: through user self-disclosure or Meta's own AI detection system. While the company claims to utilize "industry standard AI image indicators," it has not provided detailed information about its detection process.

Policy Updates Driven by Oversight Board Recommendations

These policy changes are driven by recommendations from Meta's Oversight Board, an independent advisory body. The Board highlighted the need to address AI manipulations that depict individuals performing actions they did not actually carry out, extending beyond the previous focus on fabricated speech.

Moderation Approach Shifts in July 2024

Additionally, starting in July 2024, Meta will no longer remove AI-generated content that does not violate other community guidelines. This decision aligns with the Oversight Board's suggestion to provide more context rather than outright restriction. However, AI-generated material that breaches existing policies, such as those related to bullying, voter interference, and harassment, will still be subject to removal.

Adapting to Rapidly Evolving AI Technology

Meta acknowledges the rapid evolution of AI technology, stating, "In the last four years, and particularly in the last year, people have developed other kinds of realistic AI-generated content like audio and photos, and this technology is quickly evolving." The company's proactive approach demonstrates its commitment to adapting its policies to keep pace with technological advancements in the AI space.

By introducing "Made with AI" labels, updating moderation practices, and aligning with independent advisory board recommendations, Meta aims to strike a balance between embracing the potential of AI while ensuring transparency and upholding community standards across its platforms.

Meta acknowledges that its current guidelines are "too narrow" to encompass the diverse array of realistic AI-generated content flooding the web
Meta acknowledges that its current guidelines are "too narrow" to encompass the diverse array of realistic AI-generated content flooding the web
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