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March 29, 2024, marks the deadline for Oculus account migration to Meta, Failure risks loss of apps, purchases, and achievements

For individuals who have yet to transition their Oculus account to a Meta one, a critical deadline looms on the horizon. Meta, the parent company of Oculus, recently notified users via email that it plans to delete all Oculus accounts on March 29th, 2024. This action will render users unable to reactivate or retrieve their apps, in-app purchases, store credits, and other associated content. If users fail to migrate to a Meta account before this deadline, they risk losing achievements, friends lists, and any content created under their Oculus account.

The process of phasing out Oculus accounts began back in 2020 when the company, then known as Facebook, implemented a policy requiring new users to register with Facebook accounts instead. However, in response to user feedback and concerns about privacy, Meta introduced the option to create Meta accounts in 2022. This alternative provided users who preferred not to link their Facebook accounts to their Quest headsets with an alternative solution. By January 2023, Meta ceased allowing users to log in using their Oculus credentials. Therefore, individuals with a Quest device gathering dust now face a final opportunity to transition their Oculus account to a Meta one.

To facilitate the account migration process, users can visit a dedicated page and sign up for a Meta account using the same email address associated with their Oculus account. This seamless transition ensures continued access to all games, data, and purchases linked to the original Oculus account.

Although many recipients, including several individuals at The Verge, have received the email notification, questions remain regarding whether Meta sent these communications in error or if additional steps are required for existing Meta account holders. The Verge has reached out to Meta for clarification on this matter but has not yet received a response.

In summary, for users still clinging to their Oculus accounts, time is of the essence. March 29th, 2024, marks the final opportunity to safeguard their apps, purchases, and achievements by transitioning to a Meta account. Failure to act before this deadline may result in permanent loss of access to valuable content and features associated with their Oculus account. 

Meta, the parent company of Oculus, recently notified users via email that it plans to delete all Oculus accounts on March 29th, 2024
Meta, the parent company of Oculus, recently notified users via email that it plans to delete all Oculus accounts on March 29th, 2024
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