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Apple discontinues support for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in the EU due to Digital Markets Act (DMA) compliance, citing security concerns

In the initial beta release of iOS 17.4, users encountered issues with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and in subsequent updates, Apple introduced a warning message indicating that PWAs would now open directly in Safari. Recently, Apple has officially announced its decision regarding PWAs in the European Union (EU): they will no longer be supported. This decision stems from the necessity to adhere to the regulations outlined in the Digital Markets Act (DMA) of the EU.

According to Apple, complying with the DMA requires supporting alternative browsing engines, which introduces significant security risks and necessitates substantial engineering efforts to implement and minimize these risks. PWAs, which are launched directly from the iPhone's home screen and rely on WebKit and its security architecture, are designed to align with the privacy and security standards of native iOS applications. Running on Apple's browsing engine ensures storage isolation and enables the implementation of system prompts for individual privacy feature access.

It's crucial to understand that without this isolation, web applications could potentially access data from other web applications and gain unauthorized access to the device's camera, microphone, and location. Managing third-party code, particularly from a browsing engine that runs additional third-party code from the web, poses significant challenges in terms of security and privacy. Consequently, Apple has opted not to support PWAs in third-party browsers.

As for Safari, the DMA mandates that Apple prevents it from offering features superior to those of competing browsers. Due to the technical complexities involved in enabling PWAs for a wide range of third-party browsers, Apple has been compelled to remove PWA support from Safari.

While Apple acknowledges that this decision will impact a small portion of users and expresses regret for the inconvenience caused to PWA developers and iPhone users in the EU, it asserts that it is a necessary step to ensure compliance with DMA regulations and safeguard user security and privacy.

Despite some backlash and humor on social media regarding the DMA's implications, including suggestions to "Not allow" its application akin to rejecting cookies, the situation underscores the unforeseen consequences of regulatory measures within companies. As regulatory frameworks evolve, it becomes increasingly important for companies to navigate these changes while mitigating disruptions to user experience and maintaining compliance with legal requirements.

Apple has officially announced its decision regarding PWAs in the European Union (EU): they will no longer be supported
Apple has officially announced its decision regarding PWAs in the European Union (EU): they will no longer be supported
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