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Rumor Suggests Oppo and vivo Might Withdraw from Foldable Smartphone Market, Huawei Prepares Unique Double-Folding Device, and Samsung Explores Rollable Display Technology

According to an unverified rumor circulating in tech circles, Oppo and vivo may be considering discontinuing their efforts in the foldable smartphone market. This purported decision would likely also affect OnePlus, as its OnePlus Open model is essentially an international variant of Oppo's Find N3.

Reportedly, the rationale behind this potential move is a significant decline in market share for foldable smartphones among these brands throughout the previous year. As a result, they are purportedly considering stepping back from the foldable arena and allowing competitors like Samsung and Huawei to dominate the market.

On the other hand, Huawei is rumored to be gearing up to launch a unique 10-inch double-folding smartphone aimed at the tablet market. This device would feature a Z-shaped or tri-fold design, leveraging two hinges to achieve its distinctive form factor. Speculations suggest that Huawei aims to introduce this product before the end of June.

Meanwhile, Samsung is allegedly making strides in the development of a rollable display technology. With growing anticipation in the market, there are expectations that Samsung may unveil a rollable smartphone in the near future. Alternatively, Samsung could follow Huawei's lead and explore the possibility of a tri-fold design.

As with any rumor in the tech industry, it's essential to approach this information with caution and skepticism until confirmed by official sources. While these developments may signal potential shifts in the foldable smartphone landscape, only time will reveal the true trajectory of these brands' strategies in the market.

Oppo and vivo may be considering discontinuing their efforts in the foldable smartphone market
Oppo and vivo may be considering discontinuing their efforts in the foldable smartphone market
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