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Google Integrates Bard AI Chatbot into Google Messages with Full-Page Contact Card

Google is taking a significant step toward integrating its Bard AI chatbot into Google Messages by introducing a full-page contact card for Bard. This development comes nearly a year after initial reports indicated that Google Messages would incorporate the AI chatbot in the future. The recent beta version of Messages provides insights into how Bard will function within the app, addressing concerns about the absence of a dedicated contact info page or profile for Bard.

The updated feature, shared by AssembleDebug on Twitter, offers users a comprehensive contact card when tapping on the Bard icon or image at the top of the screen in Messages. The contact card includes information about Bard's functioning and usage guidelines. Users are informed about access to their precise location, a description of generative AI, and a disclaimer stating that Bard may provide inaccurate or inappropriate information. Additionally, Google clarifies that Bard's responses should not be relied upon for professional advice in areas such as medical, legal, or financial matters.

Further details on the contact card explain AI messages, emphasizing that these messages are sent to Bard's servers. Google introduces a sparkle icon to denote AI messages and highlights that this icon will appear in the message status when viewing older messages from the conversation history.

This development suggests that Google is gearing up to launch Bard in Google Messages after months of preparation. Previous leaks from beta versions of Google Messages have unveiled various Bard-related features, including its integration with the New conversation page. The beta version also revealed that conversations with Bard would not be end-to-end encrypted, emphasizing Google's need to access these messages to enhance its services.

As Google progresses toward the official rollout of Bard in Google Messages, users can anticipate a distinctive chat experience with the AI chatbot, marked by its own contact card and specific messaging features. The introduction of Bard is part of Google's broader strategy to integrate its AI capabilities across multiple services, enhancing user interactions and providing valuable insights through generative AI.

Google Integrates Bard AI Chatbot into Google Messages with Full-Page Contact Card
Google Integrates Bard AI Chatbot into Google Messages with Full-Page Contact Card
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