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Google Maps Enhances Real-Time Location Sharing Feature Across Android, iOS, and PC Platforms

Messaging applications such as WhatsApp and Signal have long provided users with the option to share their live location with contacts. This feature proves beneficial for quickly updating friends and family about one's whereabouts or assisting them in navigation. Now, Google is integrating real-time location sharing directly into the Maps app across Android, iOS, and PC platforms. Users of Google services can seamlessly share their live location with contacts through the Location Sharing feature within Maps.

The Location Sharing feature on Google Maps offers users the flexibility to choose the recipients who can access their location details and the duration of such access. Unlike standard live location sharing on messaging apps, Google Maps brings additional features to the table. For instance, when utilizing Google Maps Location Sharing, recipients can view the device's battery status and charging status. Additionally, users can share their estimated time of arrival when navigating to a specific destination.

According to information available on Google's support page for Location Sharing, this functionality remains operational even when Location History is disabled in Maps. The process is consistent across Android and iOS devices. To initiate location sharing, users can open the Google Maps app on their Android, iPhone, or iPad, tap the profile icon in the top right corner, and select Location Sharing. Subsequently, users can choose the duration of location sharing (up to a full day or until manual deactivation) and select specific Google contacts to share their location with. For sharing with individuals outside Google contacts, users can opt for "More options" in the Location Sharing menu and distribute the real-time location link via messaging apps like WhatsApp and iMessage. To cease sharing, users can tap the profile of the recipient and select Stop.

Moreover, Google Maps enables users to share their estimated time of arrival (ETA) with contacts while navigating to a destination. During navigation, users can open Maps, set a destination, commence navigation, tap "More," and choose "Share trip progress" to keep contacts informed about the route. The location sharing feature automatically halts upon reaching the destination or discontinuing navigation.

In a recent announcement, Google Maps introduced several India-centric features at the Building for India event in New Delhi. Noteworthy features include Live View walking, Lens in Maps, fuel-efficient routing, address descriptors, and support for local trains. Live View walking navigation is expected to cover 3,000 cities in India, and the Where Is My Train feature, designed for tracking trains, will extend support to Mumbai local trains with plans for inclusion in Kolkata local trains in the near future.

Google Maps Enhances Real-Time Location Sharing Feature Across Android, iOS, and PC Platforms
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