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Google Offers Recovery Steps for Users Experiencing Missing Files on Drive for Desktop

Google has provided a solution for users who experienced file sync issues leading to disappeared files on Drive for desktop. While the resolution involves a series of steps rather than a simple update, Google offers guidance on recovering files.

To address the issue, users are instructed to download and open the latest version of Google Drive for Windows or macOS. Afterward, they should run the app's recovery tool by clicking the Drive icon in the menu bar or system tray, holding Shift, clicking Settings, and selecting "Recover from backups." If successful, a notice will indicate that the recovery has started, and the recovered files will be placed in a new folder named "Google Drive recovery" upon completion.

For those encountering difficulties, Google encourages users to submit feedback through the Drive for desktop app using the hashtag #DFD84 and selecting the option to include diagnostic logs. Additionally, Google outlines an alternative method for data recovery through the command line interface, along with troubleshooting options.

The file sync issue, which resulted in missing Google Drive files, affected a small subset of users on desktop using version 84. By providing these recovery steps, Google aims to assist affected users in retrieving their files successfully.

Google Offers Recovery Steps for Users Experiencing Missing Files on Drive for Desktop
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