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Amazon Unveils Major Redesign of Alexa App for Improved User Experience and Enhanced Smart Home Controls on iOS and Android

Amazon is ushering in a significant overhaul for its Alexa app, introducing a comprehensive update that enhances the user experience on both iOS and Android devices. The redesign, which has been rolling out progressively this week, focuses on streamlining the app and making it more intuitive, with a specific emphasis on smart home controls.

The redesigned Home tab is one of the standout features, offering users a customizable and organized interface. It comprises three distinct sections for smart home control, providing users with the ability to select and prioritize the information and tools they want to access. The top row of the Home tab features a scrollable list of shortcut buttons for smart home devices and Alexa tools, allowing for quick and convenient access. Users can customize this section by choosing from approximately 17 different shortcuts, catering to individual preferences.

A new Favorites section has been introduced, moving away from the Devices tab and placing it front and center on the Home tab. This allows users to instantly control frequently used devices like lights and locks with a single tap as soon as the app is opened. Tapping on device cards in Favorites provides either immediate control or opens up a bottom sheet for more comprehensive device management.

The Activity tab follows, displaying time-sensitive cards for information such as smart home alerts, timers, alarms, and reminders. This section is customizable, and users have the flexibility to expand or minimize it based on their preferences.

The bottom menu bar has been streamlined to include just three icons: Home, Devices, and More. The "More" section houses additional settings and features such as Routines, music controls, skills, automotive settings, and emergency assist.

The Devices screen has undergone a significant revamp, with Groups (Alexa's version of rooms) now displayed in a sideways scrolling line at the top. The rest of the screen is dedicated to a list view of connected devices. Notable improvements include the ability to search devices by name, sort them alphabetically, by date added, or by device type, including a category for "other" devices.

A new feature called Map View is introduced in a closed preview for iOS devices, allowing users to interact directly with devices on a floor plan of their home. This feature is expected to enhance the overall control and management of connected devices.

While the app redesign does not significantly improve speed, it does enhance the overall user experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. The changes align with Amazon's recognition of the growing momentum in smart home adoption and its commitment to providing users with a more streamlined and accessible platform for managing their connected devices.

Amazon Unveils Major Redesign of Alexa App for Improved User Experience and Enhanced Smart Home Controls on iOS and Android
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