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Unity Revamps Pricing Model in Response to Developer Backlash


A little over a week after unveiling a controversial new pricing model, Unity Technologies has made a significant course correction in response to widespread outrage from developers. The initial announcement had sent shockwaves through the game development community, but Unity's latest update seeks to address many of the concerns raised. In this article, we will delve into the changes Unity has introduced to its pricing model and their implications for developers.

Unity's Initial Pricing Model:

Unity's initial pricing model had drawn sharp criticism for its perceived harshness towards developers. The company had planned to introduce a new fee structure that would impact users on the Unity Personal subscription plan, which raised concerns about the financial burden on indie developers and smaller studios.

Key Revisions to Unity's Pricing Model:

Unity Personal Subscription Plan: Unity has decided not to charge the new fee to users on the Unity Personal subscription plan. This move provides relief to individual developers and small teams working with limited budgets. Additionally, Unity has increased the revenue cap on games created with the Unity Personal plan to $200,000, allowing developers to earn more without incurring additional charges.

Revenue Threshold: Unity has implemented a threshold where games making less than $1 million in revenue over 12 months will not be subject to the new fee. This change is a significant concession to developers, as it protects the financial interests of smaller projects.

Change in Applicability: Originally, Unity's fee would have applied to all games meeting specific download and revenue thresholds, including those in development. However, Unity has now restricted the fee to games made with the next version of Unity, slated for release in 2024 and beyond. This means existing projects and games will not be affected unless developers choose to upgrade to the new Unity version.

Terms of Service (TOS): Unity is reinstating the ability for developers to use TOS corresponding to their version of Unity. This move aligns with Unity's 2019 commitment to allowing users to maintain their TOS when not updating their Unity version.

Runtime Fee Options: Starting in 2024, Unity will give developers subject to the runtime fee a choice: a 2.5 percent revenue share or a calculated amount based on monthly player engagement. The specifics of this calculation method are yet to be clarified.

Self-Reporting Revenue: Unity has addressed concerns about how it determines when a game meets download and revenue thresholds. Rather than relying on proprietary software (which had raised concerns about reliability and privacy), Unity will now allow users to self-report their revenue.

Unity's Apology and Community Outreach:

Unity's President, Marc Whitten, issued an apology for the company's poor communication during this process. He acknowledged that Unity should have engaged more with the developer community and considered their feedback before announcing the original pricing model.


While Unity's revised pricing model appears to address many of the major concerns expressed by developers, it remains to be seen whether the trust between Unity and the game development community can be fully restored. Unity's commitment to more transparent and collaborative communication is a step in the right direction. The company's upcoming "fireside chat" on YouTube will likely provide further insights into these changes and their impact on the industry. Developers and the gaming community will be closely watching Unity's actions in the coming months to assess the lasting effects of this episode.

Unity Revamps Pricing Model in Response to Developer Backlash
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