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Google Chrome to get weekly security updates in order to combat with rising security threats

Google Chrome, a globally trusted and widely used web browser with a commanding 60-70% share of the browser market, has long been a prime target for cyber attackers and malicious scripts seeking to exploit its massive user base. Recognizing the critical importance of maintaining user data security, Google has unveiled a proactive and pivotal strategy. The company is now committing to providing weekly security and maintenance updates for Chrome, marking a notable shift from the previous update schedule. In the face of escalating and ever-evolving security threats, this change is aimed at ensuring the swift and consistent deployment of vital security enhancements. 

Formerly, Chrome users received monthly or bi-weekly security patches and maintenance updates, but the evolving cybersecurity landscape necessitates more frequent and responsive measures.

This shift to a weekly update cadence underscores Google's unwavering commitment to fortifying Chrome's security defenses and proactively addressing emerging threats. This decision not only bolsters user confidence but also reaffirms Chrome's status as a trailblazer in web browser security. 

With these more frequent updates, users can rest assured that their data is under the vigilant protection of Chrome, offering a safer and more resilient browsing experience in an environment where security risks are dynamic and ever-present.

Google Chrome to get weekly security updates in order to combat with rising security threats
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